Heberle Schooling Show Information
Horse Showing History
Heather Heberle and clients mainly follow the Syracuse Professional Horsemen’s Show circuit and others such as Kentucky, Ocala and Ohio, having champions with students at the PHA circuit since 2001. Heberle Stables attends year end finals such as Zone 2 Finals, Pony finals and Equitation finals since 2007 with student riders. Heather has been instructing and training riders from beginners to accomplished junior riders since 1986 at Wm. R. Heberle Stables, Inc. She has taken students right from the walk/trot onto their Junior horses or adult horses with great success. www.Syracusepha.org http://www.ushja.org www.usef.org Preparation for Lesson Show
Farmington Country Max, Canandaigua (585) 924-7340
There is no food service, you are welcomed to bring something to share!
Download the following file to print out the class description for the Heberle Lesson Show.
Download the following file to print out the entry form for the Heberle Lesson Show.
751 Browncroft Boulevard, Rochester, New York 14625|